Thursday, February 18, 2016

Recycled Arts Club "Unfield" trip to the Amazeum

Thank you Amazeum team for a fun experience! We had a great time exploring the different stations and spending time with your play facilitators!

If you haven't had a chance to visit the Amazeum, definitely make it a priority. Check out this link here:

Take a look at some pictures from our trip (and some cool videos!):

One of the stations we got to experience were "tiny drawings." Students were given a small piece of paper and used a stereoscope to view our drawings through. The very last picture is an actual image of what it looks like to draw through a stereoscope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

6th Grade Package and Label Designs

For this project-based learning activity, students learned about how art is an important element to help advertise and decorate the things we buy. We learned about 3D art-making and simple graphic design for this project.
Students could work in a team or independently and were allowed to redesign an existing object or idea, or create a new one.
There were packages designed for the following items:
* Food, snacks, and beverages
* Shoes
* Video games
*Pet food
*Art Supplies
Students also had the opportunity to design their label on the computer.
Below are some of our samples:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5th Grade Color Wheel Project

Below are a few samples from a recent color study project completed by our 5th graders. We studied the color wheel and different color relationships and painted designs on paper.
The students were invited to draw single or multiple objects or shapes on their paper before painting.
They also learned about color mixing and technical skills.

6th Grade Tree Theme Projects

This was a choice-based project where the students were to create an artwork based on a theme. Trees were the theme for this project and the students had three full classes to choose and explore materials and create a Tree.
They had a choice to draw, paint, or make a 3D model. Since choice was a strong element during project, students were encouraged to work on a area where they felt strongest. This was a good confident builder. It was also awesome to see students learn by trying materials and techniques in which they knew nothing about.
Below are some pretty cool samples!