Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Recycled Arts Club Field Trip!

Our Recycled Arts Club had a great day in Springdale visiting The Jones Center and Arts Center of the Ozarks. 
"Animals: Familiar & Fantastic" was the title of artwork we viewed in the ArtMobile, a traveling exhibition from Little Rock's Arkansas Arts Center
The students had a great discussion about the different works and learned about the human and animal connection as well as animals in their environments. 

After our learning experience with the ArtMobile, we buses over to Arts Center of the Ozarks where gallery director, Eve Smith walked the students through a hands-on elephant drawing activity. 
When the drawing was complete, the students got to color their work using a fun method of mixing oil pastel and oil. 
Students had a blast!

Monday, October 5, 2015

5th Grade: Drawing, Drawing, & Drawing!

Wow, 5th graders love to draw! We are about to move into our painting unit soon but Old High 5th graders have been busy over the past month learning about drawing and gaining confidence with their individual abilities.
We started out the year with cartooning and learning how to create interesting characters with simple shapes. Below are some samples of our cartoon knights.
We have moved into Mondrian inspired drawings. There are a couple pictured below and I will be sure to post more soon.

Cartoon Knights:

Some Piet Mondrian inspired drawings (more to come):

6th Grade "Interest" Projects

Finally. after almost entire month of hard work, sweat, grit, and noise, I am posting some of our completed 6th grade Interest Projects. We started out the year with some simple drawing exercises then jumped right into projects based on what the students wanted to learn most about.
With the help of our new classroom laptops, and stations, students had access to a wide array of materials to create.
Below you will see everything from 2D and 3D cardboard construction to paintings and pencil drawings. You'll see mixed-media, replicas, and games. Students enjoyed the opportunity to simply experiment with art materials in ways some have never tried.
Upon completion of a few more activities, the students will write written reflections based on what they have learned about the elements of art and their chosen materials.
Take a look: