Thursday, February 26, 2015

Genius Hour Snippets from 5th and 6th Grade

Upon the completion of a class project, students have been changing their questions from "what do I do now?" into, "May I try this idea?" Genius hour has taken ground at Old High Middle School and students are learning to bring in questions and new ideas to enhance their learning and classroom experience.
Below are some fun products of what my 5th graders have been doing when left to their own ideas. Some students have even had the opportunity take on the role of teacher as they worked together to show other students their creative ideas!
Brooke showing off a new sign from recycled materials.

Margeritte's successful observational drawing of one of our classroom posters.

Vivian and Ella worked together to teach one another how to make a 3D snowflake.

Jake's successful cartoon drawings from memory!

Michael's very interesting "rorschach" style paper cutting design.

It's always fun to see what the students create with our class set of Keva Planks.

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